Thursday, May 23, 2013

Bad Nights... GO Away!

These past few nights haven't been okay. Tuesday, May 21st there was a bad apartment building fire directly across the street from my duplex..

My boyfriend and I sat in the living room watching movies and started to smell burning. I thought someone maybe had the grill fired up cooking. I looked out of the window and the street was painted with multiple fire trucks, ambulance an police. I stepped on to the porch and saw a big black cloud of smoke and on my left side I could see a window full of flames. People stood on the side walks in tears.

I went back in the house and periodically I'd look out of the window and each time the fire had spread more. The firemen couldn't control it enough to get into the building until after midnight. I heard a girl screaming crying yelling, "what the f***!" She lost her cat and dog. If your a pet owner you understand that pets are just as much as family as a brother or sister.

All the people were out of the building but the animals passed away. I couldn't get the image out of my head.. I feel so hurt for these people who lost everything. I didn't sleep that night...

Last night was really bad for me. I couldn't help but breakdown. I feel like because its been a month since losing my baby people think I should be okay but I'm not. I have my nights where I just can't deal and honestly I can't begin to describe my feelings but I don't even know.... I hurt so badly....

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